
Hi Dave!  
I am loving being a homeowner.  When people ask how I did it, I always give you and Laura all the credit and tell them I'm not sure how you did it.  
If I was good with technology I would send you pictures of some of the stuff I've done around here.  It took about 3 months of weekend cleaning outside to get the bushes and trees cleaned up and some removed.  I had the popcorn ceilings removed before I moved in.  Over Christmas we redid Cody's bathroom, the pool is now a salt pool and I had the deck replaced.  This weekend I had the huge 100 foot tree that shed terribly in the pool, it was a nightmare, raked leaves and cleaned up a mess daily, removed!  Back yard is manageable and cleaned up.  I am ready for the summer and the pool to be used all the time.  I had a shed built in back yard to keep all my lawn tools and stuff, it is awesome and convenient.  My cats love the yard. Cody loves the house and yard and even kinda likes doing some work around here.  Looking forward to spring when I can plant flowers and add some color.  This neighborhood Is quiet and perfect.  Everything worked out for the best.  I am glad we got this house over the other.  My favorite stores are now Ace hardware and Home Depot.  My mom laughed when I said I wanted bricks and dirt for Christmas to build a flower bed.*:) happy  So thank you and thank you.  I often sit in the back yard and look at all the space I have and can't believe it's mine.  I think we are getting a puppy in the next few weeks.  Cody and I have been trying to find the right one.  Found an Italian greyhound that we are trying to get. 
My garage is clean, my yard is manageable and clean, my house is very comfortable....it's been a great 4 months here.  Busy and I love it. 
I hope all is well with you.  I am not sure I will want to ever sell my house or move, but I always think of you when I fix or update something...would Dave think it's good for resell..?  You taught me a lot, thank you again.  Tell Lara hello and just know I do give the both of you credit for me having this house, it isn't something I ever imagined being able to do and the fact that everything is pretty much perfect I can't complain about anything.
Have a great day, week and year.  If you ever want to stop by and I can show off my house let me know!